You're driving and you start to smell something strange - whether it's coming from under the hood, the exhaust, or through the air vents, you may be concerned. A strange smell can often indicate an issue, so its important not to ignore it.
Here are the most common smells associated with car issues and what they can mean:
Moldy - A moldy or musty smell when the A/C is on can indicate mold or mildew has actually formed somewhere in the air vents.
Burning smell - A burning smell can come from a few different places, but most commonly can indicate a timing belt or drive belt issue. It can also indicate engine and transmission problems.
Rotten eggs - The smell of rotten eggs can indicate an issue with your emissions system, and more specifically the catalytic converter. This is an important problem to repair quickly, especially because a failing emissions system can put you and your passengers at risk to being exposed to harsh gases.
Gas - If you notice a constant gas smell while driving, it is important to have it checked out right away. This can be caused by a leak in the gas tank or injector line.
Sweet - If you smell a sweet, almost syrupy type smell, it is most likely an Antifreeze leak.
As soon as you notice a smell while driving that won’t go away, bring your vehicle into H B Auto & AC for an inspection. A strange smell is never a good indicator, and can sometimes be a risk for your health and safety.