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Summer’s Here; Time To Check Your A/C
We’re pretty lucky here in Huntington Beach: we experience paradise like temperatures year-round. Summer in Cali has arrived, and it’s making things pretty warm. We’re only halfway through the summer, so it might be time to check the status of your A/C.
Maybe you’ve already taken your summer road trip, or you’ve got a few coming up. Things will only get hotter, and if you’re a Huntington Beach local, you know the Summer goes on and on. It’s a pain to drive around with a broken A/C, and sometimes minor fixes prevent you from needing more significant fixes down the line. You should bring your car in right away if:
There’s no airflow through your A/C. Something is wrong if you turn your fans all the way up and the air isn't coming through.
It takes a while for the air to cool down through your A/C. Hot air pouring out of your vents might mean you need your coolant checked. If you've had your coolant replaced or topped off recently, this could even mean there's a coolant leak.
You’re noticing a strange odor when the A/C comes on. Often, a strange odor indicates that you need to replace your air filter. However, it can sometimes mean something more challenging to fix, like a leak.
You hear strange noises when your A/C comes on. Strange noises are always a sign to bring your car in!
All of these are signs that something bigger is happening behind your dashboard. Suppose you’ve been waiting for your A/C to go out entirely before checking on it. In that case, you might consider coming in earlier rather than later.
We can help you through any issues you’re experiencing with your A/C. In fact, we do so much work with air conditioners; it’s even in our name! At HB Auto and AC, we offer a full range of repair services on numerous vehicles. We invite you to schedule vehicle maintenance with us to show your car some love. Like us on Facebook for news and updates!