To be honest, the answer is: no, it's very unsafe to drive with a nail in your tire. Whenever any foreign object gets stuck in your tire, the chances of a blowout are significantly increased. For instance, the nail will cause an air leak in the tire. If you're driving at high speeds with an underinflated tire, you can suffer a blowout, causing your tires to explode. Once this happens, you will lose control of your vehicle and increase your chances of an accident.
The situation above is undoubtedly the worst-case scenario. In some cases, the nail in your tire may be harmless for the time being. Sometimes, a pin can lodge itself into the tread so much that it physically blocking can't allow air to escape.
However, the harmless spike might not be friendly for long. If the nail shifts or digs into your tire deeper, it can open up a small hole for air to leak. This is why it's essential to have this problem repaired at an auto repair shop ASAP, so you don't have to encounter dangerous risks.
Noticing the Nail
Discovering the nail may be the most challenging part of the whole process, as some can be very small. Most people will notice it if their affected tire looks less plump than the rest. If you're lucky, you'll see the nail in your tire before it's done any damage at all. Regular inspections of your tires can help you identify these issues. A great time to take a close look is whenever you get your car washed. And if you don't inspect your tires during your car washes, a tire inspection is an excellent thing to ask your technician to do next time you come into H B Auto & AC.
Getting the Necessary Repairs
The solution could be as manageable as removing the nail and patching up the tire for the repair itself. If the nail has caused significant amounts of damage, especially on the sidewall, you may need to have the tire replaced entirely. Our expert technicians will be able to deliberate and consult with you on the issue.
If your vehicle has suffered from a puncture, please do not hesitate to bring it to H B Auto & AC in Huntington Beach, CA. Feel free to make an appointment with us online today!